Everyone's heard of Rob Zombie, the metal god.. well, this is Robt Zombie, emcee at the Oct 27 Halloween slam..
He works the graveyard shift down at the morgue, of course..
He also looks a little like Robert Smith of The Cure..
There was a big anti-war rally earlier in the day down in Ocean Beach..
Nothing like some political protest to get one stoked up for a slam..
The rally was held at the foot of Newport Ave, which doubles as the OB Veteran's Plaza..
Slam Barbie popped out of Ross Ross' jumpsuit- literally..
Lizzie Pearl, or is it Minnie Wann? Whatever-
she's way cute, she sacrificed for us, and she emceed Round 2..
"They say I'm nothin' but a Party Girl, just like a million more all over the world"..
Joel & Nikole- together & so adorable..
Rob & Christina- also very adorable..
Christina's in pink, and that's Rob with the very beat cigarette holder..
Minnie Pearl & Slam Barbie- say buh-bye, now..
Oakland Slammistress Sonia Whittle pays us a visit, and knocks our socks off!
Clone #26909 aka Chris Vannoy, is ALIVE!
The cuteness of Lizzie Wann ropin' us all in..
Glow-in-the-dark Caleb Dark..
Jan Daniels, introducing her 'vegetable people'..
Tonight's winner (and Caleb's mom), Kimberly Dark..
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