Dear San Diego Poetry Slam Sponsor:
Thank you for your support of the arts, and specifically Spoken Word, in San Diego. The San Diego Poetry Slam is the only slam in San Diego County to be certified by PSI (Poetry Slam, Inc.). PSI certification allows us to send a team of five poets, plus coach, to Slam Nationals, to compete against 55 other cities for the honor of being named best slam team in the country. This year’s National Poetry Slam is happening in Minneapolis, MN.
You may have heard of the movies Slam Nation or Poetic License. These films, and others like them, have attempted to bring the excitement and pageantry of national slam events to the general public. It is important to note that only last year, for the first time ever in the 13-year history of Slam Nationals, the city of San Diego was represented with an official team. Your contribution helps ensure that San Diego continues to field a team to the National Poetry Slam for years to come.
We will also be participating in the West Coast Slam Regionals, in Big Sur, CA. This regional event pits us against 11 other west coast cities, and is an event we were proud to attend the past two years. There are pictures of last year’s team in Big Sur available for viewing on our website’s URL, at the end of this letter.
Our mission is to have our trips to both Big Sur and Minneapolis funded with public donations, as much as possible. We do not have non-profit status, but be assured that we are only trying to raise enough money to cover registration, travel and hotel costs. We will be able to cease all slam fundraising after our goal has been met. To this end, we have estimated we will need at least $500 per person. Some of the capital we can raise through a series of public fundraising events we have scheduled throughout the spring and summer; but much will have to be raised through public donations.
All monies raised will be a matter of public record, and available for perusal on our website. Additionally, our taxpayer ID can be verified by writing us. In the past, I have joked, that for a single donation of $4000, we’ll name the slam after your company, similar to the stadium deal. Maybe it’s is not a joke after all. However, in lieu of writing out such a large check--
All donors will be listed on our website’s Sponsors Page, in alphabetical order; donors will also receive a thank-you letter in the mail from us;
for donations of $25 or more, we will also scan your company’s logo onto our “Sponsor’s Page”. Please enclose your corporate logo with your check or money order- letterhead is fine;
for donations of $50 or more, we will also send you a “certificate of sponsorship”, suitable for framing;
for donations of $100 or more, we will also professionally mount and frame your certificate, and have it ready for display in your home or office. Additionally, we
will wash your car, clean your house, and even baby-sit your kids free for one night; and throw in a signed copy of Drift Wood Highway, the local poetry anthology!
Please make your check out to SD Poetry Slam, and write account #48676-09 at the bottom of the check. This ensures that the donation finds its way to us in the most expedient manner. Drop your donation in the mail to us at our address at the bottom of this page, so that we may thank you with a personal acknowledgement. We are grateful for your support, and we look forward to a successful run at West Coast Regionals, as well as at the Slam Nationals, thanks to each of you!
Robt O’Sullivan Schleith,
Slammaster for
THE San Diego Poetry SLAM!
P.O. Box 500806
San Diego CA 92150